Sunday, September 26, 2010

Getting tough on Crime /Canada style

Hi Friends

It was famously stated by Duncan Campbell Scott, at the inception of the Indian Act,..."I want to get rid of the Indian problem"(Head of Indian Affairs Canada 1913-1932)this could be characterized as a declaration of war on the Indigenous peoples here. It sure felt like that, too. Apartheid policies, and genocidal legislation were the order of the day.
We the Indigenous people of this country have had our hands full fighting for our very survival from that date to the present as this article clearly shows, it is an on going battle.

Given all the inequity that we currently face, this government has brought us even more adversity.

Under the guise of fighting crime, the Harper Conservatives have introduced a Truth in Sentencing Act or bill C-25 which targets the Aboriginal communities...
seems to me, to be by design, given the well known statistics as regards our over representation in prisons, and in the ranks of the impoverished.

Seems like our fiscally responsible Harper-Cons feel the need for such punitive actions given our ever increasing crime rates. Especially our burgeoning "unreported crime" as attested to by Stockwell Day in this nonsensical piece of drivel.

It would seem the Harper government is willing to bankrupt the country in this never ending quest to finish the job and eradicate the Indigenous people. A more honest approach or "final solution", might be just to enact legislation that would make it a crime to be Indigenous, and get it over with?

regards Debra

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