Friday, October 1, 2010

Eco-warrior James Cameron

Hi Friends
James Cameron noted director of such blockbuster films as Avatar, and Titanic has made his promised visit to the Alberta oil sands. Mr. Cameron is not just a very wealthy Hollywood director, but is also a green activist. He is well known as the guy who will bump up against convention, and speak openly about environmental issues, and this has not won him many friends. Yet I get the feeling he doesn't care what may be said about him personally, or more correctly, he has enough money that it affords him the luxury to not care.

I was surprised at the news coverage of the entire event. Though Fort Chipewyan is a small community of about one thousand people, Mr. Cameron's visit brought out the national media.
It was pointed out on nearly every news station that the community of Fort Chip enjoyed plenty of amenities, provided by the oil money earned in the Alberta oil sands. My question is, what does that have to do with their very real concerns for their community and their communities health? Why were the media wanting to point out the relative wealth of the community? I'd be willing to bet the others who have prospered from this blight on the planet are not themselves suffering the consequences of their oil recovery from the tar sands, and certainly not the same way as the community of Fort Chipewyan.

You can read more of James Cameron's interview here

Rich people with a conscience are not altogether a rarity. Rich people with a conscience as well as ability to articulate the issue in an intelligent manner is quite another thing. The people of Fort Chip seem to have happened upon just such an individual in Mr. Cameron.
Mr. Cameron for his part seems committed to this issue and is passionate enough about the planet to take it on. I"m hopeful for a better out come than what we were seeing before James Cameron's involvement.
regards Debra

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