Friday, February 4, 2011

Gazing upon Eden

Hi Friends

With the discovery of an undiscovered tribe in the Amazon forests we have a unique opportunity here to observe an entirely different culture. Different, yet our own, same culture. In the beginning, we were all of this culture. That some have held on to it, to this time, in our collective history, is amazing, and we must, I believe make every effort to preserve it.
That is if we can stop the greed of governments, in their never ending thirst for natural resources. In this case: clear cutting the forest for expansion and ultimately these peoples land.

I am very excited to know that we are sharing the planet with these intriguing I am sure many others are as well. If we manage to keep our distance, we have an unprecedented opportunity here to learn not just about them but ultimately ourselves as well.

Their lifestyle can't be an easy one. Hunter gather societies are subsistence by nature, and by necessity co-operative. As in any society there is a need for rules of some sort, so as to allow for community. How are disputes mediated? What type of governing is practiced? These questions will have to wait until they reach out for contact with us, if they ever do.

They obviously know about us and have so far kept their distance. Should a time come when they do reach out to us, it must be on their terms, not ours.

Tonight as I eat my micro-wave popcorn and drink my coffee, while I watch my satellite t.v. or communicate with my fb friends around the world, I will be for sure thinking of these people and marveling at the thought of our own beginnings.
No doubt there will be other times when they will be on my mind as well. I will be forever wondering who has got the better lifestyle, but I am content to let this be my own mystery to mull over.
Let us, let them teach us, to be ever mindful of where we came from while allowing them the dignity of their existence, among yet separate from us, as they have chosen to date!

Please sign the petition to save them from us, as they have wanted, so far, at least!

Regards Debra

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