Thursday, January 14, 2010

Save the Children, funding debacle

Hi Friends

The Canadian Government is to be taken to court over the inequitable funding of child welfare on reserves. Human rights activists, concerned citizens and child advocates, are distressed over the latest move by the Canadian Government's attempt to dodge their responsibility on this issue. The Canadian Government has chosen to mount a court challenge, over the issue, rather than just pony up the funding in an equitable way, to all it's citizenry.

click here

I suggest that the Canadian Government accept their responsibility, and quit complaining about it and realize that they can't have things both ways. It is the Canadian Government who has sought to make all the First Nation people, wards of the state, through the Indian Act.

These are genocidal policies the government is pushing much like the Khmer Rouge did when they took over Viet Nam in the seventies. Exactly as the Canadian Government did when they opened the residential schools, and again as they did in the sixties sweep.
As you can see these are not new ideas, and it can be argued that these policies have been implemented before, not just here, but around the world ,especially when one nation attempts to usurp another nation.

"There is no place in Canada for the attitudes that inspired the Indian residential school to ever prevail again..."

Excerpt from official apology offered by the current P.M.June 11th 2008

click here

Do You Believe?

regards debra

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