Monday, October 26, 2009

History 101

Hi Friends

I'm astonished by how very little Non-Aboriginals seem to know about Canadian history.
Flip your thinking about Indians around. It was only with the help and care of the First Nations, that allowed the first settlers to survive, and thrive here. It was also the first nations here that willingly shared their land and their knowledge of the same that gave the new comers a home.

So, far from you and your Government allowing us, anything, it is we, who are suffering your trespassing and interference in our lives. If we could remove greed and fright from your minds, maybe this shared existence, could be the utopia we all planned it to be. We would need only to honor the treaties entered into by the First Nations and the new comers in the spirit in which they were written, Nation to Nation with respect on both sides.

It has become incumbent upon first nations to prove, to the letter, what each and every treaty protects...yet the successive Canadian governments give themselves plenty of lee way on their interpretation of these same treaties. Canada and many Canadians have enjoyed untold wealth from the ill gotten gains of this country, and all at the expense, and to, the degradation of the Indigenous peoples. Our plan of a shared existence became, colonization through the work of the Indian Act, and the will of the Canadian Governments.

All treaties have been, and still are being broken. So don't say; "This was in the past. why should it apply today. I didn't do this to you and yours. I shouldn't be held responsible for what my ancestors did."
Yes, you should, and yes you do continue the sad work of your ancestors every time you let yourself off the proverbial hook, over your elected officials further marginalization and abuse of the Indigenous peoples.
These things can and should be solved but it would definitely take will and honesty and fair dealing to do so. You even have a blue print to follow: the Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is that good men to do nothing". (Edmund Burke)


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