Saturday, September 26, 2009

Children in Need of CARE

Hi Friends
As you may or may not know, first nations children out number non-aboriginal children in the care of the child welfare system at a rate of 10.23% to 0.67% of non aboriginal.
The over representation is directly linked to poverty, neglect and abuse. All of these woes could and should be addressed by any means possible. A caring and responsible government need only to take their responsibility seriously and match funding on the reserves to that of the provincial funding of programs for non aboriginals.

The provinces fund the child welfare programs off reserve and the federal government is responsible for these same programs on reserve. If the federal government doesn't fund the programs, or under funds them, the provinces don't typically top up the funding levels. This results in a two tiered child welfare system. Children on reserves get less funding for child welfare than other children.

Do you think this might have any correlation to the emerging gang problems in First Nation communities? This is a rhetorical question. Please we don't need yet another study, but action now.

The Harper Conservatives are currently on the pay later plan. Maybe a job creation program. Build more jails, hire more jailers, the real government stimulus package. As is their typical modus operandi these ghouls are, it would seem, to be targeting the poorest most underprivileged population in the country to (dare I say eradicate) through under funding.
Suffer the little children, right Mr. Harper?

"Suffer the little children to come unto me." Jesus: Luke 18:6
regards Debra


  1. How many children did you adopt?
    John 8:7 "he without sin cast the first stone"

  2. That was my point exactly. These children do not need to be adopted out, but rather have their programs funded so they might receive the help they need right in their own communities.
    My conscience is clear, what have you done for the needy in your community?

    It is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a wealthy man to enter into the kingdom of heaven
    Mark 10:25
