Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Power to the people

Hi Friends
Today I think I will talk about the sense of powerlessness some 1st. nations people feel. Recently at a membership meetings I was told that to institute a membership code the reserve must get a 75% vote passed or INAC (Indian and Northern Affairs Canada) won't except it. Indian Act rules. When I asked when was the last time the reserve tried to make a code, I was told there had been two previous attempts but there was never enough votes to pass it. My next question was: 75% of on reserve or 75% of all (on and off reserve) members? I was told then they can't use the term off reserve?? so it therefore must be the entire membership that votes. So now am I the only one who sees that the entire process is stacked against the nation taking power over whomever they want to call a citizen? Thats right the Gov. of Canada has decided for the 1st. Nations who their citizens are. The only way the Nations can choose to recognize their own is through a citizenship code...The Gov. says the Nations can make their own codes,then set unattainable majority rules in place to thwart the best efforts of the various Nations. This from a political party that was elected into office with the lowest voter turn-out ever recorded? I think it was something like 35% of Canadians voted in the last election!! Hippocracy is what the 1st. nations have to live with...or do they? It's been reported that we are the fastest growing population in the country. Here's an idea Iet's unite. At least your off reserve and on reserve members. Did any one ever get rich with the monies from Ottawa? I know a few Chiefs and some councilors who may have profited while in office but rich??? Now quit being afraid of your own and get together to lift our nations up. Now there are quite a few out there who can only be described as self haters either passing, or mistreating your selves. I have knowledge of some right in my own family. To these people I can only say, don't give so much power to strangers. If some one wants to disrespect you on the grounds of your heritage, skin colour, or language, there is very little to be done about that. As long as you know all there is to know about your culture this can go a long way in shielding you from these haters. Know that these lands were NOT traded away for a handful of beads. Know that our chiefs dealt nation to nation with the new comers, and that it has been the white governments that have proven over and over again that they can't be trusted to keep their word. We were also a clean people and that it was diseases that impacted the Nations hardest. We also were using medicines to treat our sick while the whites were still practicing bleeding the ill in effort to heal them. Our contributions have been many and we can still contribute as long as you can get over the self doubt and embrace the challenges of the future.Take pride in all that we as Nations have accomplished, medicine, art, sport, music etc. My advice to all do not stand on the side lines, jump in. We can all make a contribution to the betterment of our nation. Maybe even reach back and help another up. To all the disreputable chiefs and councils out there, that is not our way. The native governments of old had leaders(not rulers) and a genuine concern for ALL their people. This so impressed the invaders that the American constitution was modeled on OUR systems of good governance.
regards Debra

1 comment:

  1. HI Again

    I would like to use your article, on my facebook group. Full credit will be given to you for your article.
    In terms of membership codes I think it is,
    1 over one half of the entitled voters are needed for it to pass. (Aboriginal Law Handbook - by Shin Imai: 1999)

    Keep up the good posting, Clayton
