Sunday, June 19, 2011

Aboriginal days, and The Pow-Wow Trail

Hi Friends
This will just be a short post to wish all a happy Aboriginal days, and safe travels on the Pow-Wow trail.
This time of year our communities get together for the warm wonderful times and celebrations of Pow-Wows and other summer time pursuits. Winter is over, and the spring time plantings are in, and as we await the autumn harvest, and in the lazy days of summer, the Pow-Wow trail beckons.

Here let me encourage all my off reserve *C-31 & C-3* cousins,to get out and embrace your culture. Join us at the scared fire and on the Pow-Wow grounds and get set to awaken your Indian spirits.

The pageantry of the opening parade with the dancers arriving in full regalia; the vendor's booths set up with typical event merchandise and authors doing book signings; the entire community abuzz with activity.

Drums, beating out the heart-beat of our mother Earth, voices raised in honour songs, jingles on the jingle dresses, and bells on the ankles and the regalia of the fancy dancers all competing for attention. Teasing and laughter from all corners of the grounds, and the hand drums and the round dances calling for the participation of all. Who but the most sour among us could not have a good time in this festive atmosphere.

This is also a time to visit the scared fires and make your semaa (tobacco, tied up in red cloth) offerings for the ancestors. This too is an intrinsic part of Pow-Wow. In honor and loving memory of those who have been before.

Indian tacos, and corn soup, fried baloney sandwiches and all other manner of First Nation *cuisine* is there to be sampled.
I don't have to remind you to have a good time! We all just do, when we get our dance on and relax around our own...

Little wonder the *settlers* were so (un)settled by our exuberance at these celebrations. Poor bastards never knew what fun could be had, and got all nervous...still do I'll bet!

I won't be posting for a while, as I will be getting out to as many Pow-Wows as I can make it to, and having a good time going to not just my own Nations but other Nations Pow-Wow celebrations.
Renewing my spirit, for the months ahead.

Happy Aboriginal Days and safe Pow-Wow trails to all..


Saturday, June 4, 2011

(Reform)ing Canada...

Hi Friends,
Now that Harper and the conservatives have their majority they have plans of introducing many of their more unpopular policies. One of the most unpopular ones has to be the tough on crime bills, known to be wholly unnecessary, given the irrefutable evidence of crime trending downward. With their newly won majority government, it remains to be seen if they will be exercising much restraint, or, as promised in his election night speech, *a government for ALL Canadians, not just the ones who voted for the conservatives.*
Mr. Harper is a man who likes to play shell games, with policies. He has proven to be a master manipulator of parliamentary rules and has in the past played fast and loose with democracy. Do I see him changing his ways? Not really.

This is concerning to me and doubtlessly many others when he is about to take on the governing of our country with an unfettered hand. Some things to remember about Harper is he is a former reformer with their extreme right wing philosophies. He is also a fundamentalist christian, with their creationist, beliefs, and last but not least an arrogant control freak.

His religious beliefs are a concern, as he has incorporated them into his governing style. Science and fact are out the window, replaced by faith and opinion.
Canada's scientific research, and researchers of all kinds have had their funding quietly slashed, and even more disquietingly in the speech from the throne, the conservative government has added that it will be funding a new political entity: "religious freedom". Could this be a nod to the immigrant community vote ...or some thing more sinister, you be the judge

Other policies about to be resurrected by the Harper conservative government are the *tough on crime* legislation, to be introduced within the first one-hundred days. Long gun registry, scrapped, minimum sentencing introduced, and longer wait times for pardons...they already took away the (two for one) credit for time served. The Aboriginal community is very nervous over thisfor obvious reasons.

I was heartened to see a segment of Canadian society thought this alarming enough to protest the throne speech.Brigette DePape showed her distrust of this man and his policies for all of the country to see! Can we as a country hold the conservatives to their promise to govern with us all in mind? Will our M.Ps be voting their conscience, or as in the conservative parties constitution, be admonished to support their leader? I have a conservative M.P in my riding, so I will be calling on him to represent me, NOT Stephen Harper's wishes. Can I really know if I am being represented? No.

The Order of Canada was just given out last week, and on this civilian medal is the Latin motto:Desiderantes Meliorem Patrian, (translation) "They Desire a Better Country"
So do I.

Regards Debra